Are You 7 Weeks Pregnant? All You Need To Know

7 weeks pregnant

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered to be the hardest. Morning sickness, extreme fatigue, tender breasts, and frequent urge to pee can be challenging. However, the good news is that by the seventh week of your pregnancy, you have already begun to get that pregnancy glow. Even your hair is looking very healthy and lustrous. Your baby is the size of a blueberry and is growing at a tremendous pace. Let us learn more about what happens inside your body when you are seven weeks pregnant.

7 weeks pregnant

At this stage, your pregnancy bump is still not showing because your womb has yet not risen. However, all the other symptoms of pregnancy like nausea and fatigue are in full swing. Don’t hesitate to seek the help of your loved ones. Many women have their first ultrasound during the seventh week. You will be able to see your baby for the first time and also detect the heartbeat.


1. Feeling thirsty

You may start feeling thirstier than usual during the seventh week of pregnancy. The volume of blood inside your body increases, which may lead to the need for more water. Drink eight glasses of water every day.

2. Frequent urination

You may feel the urge to urinate often. Hormonal changes in your body, and the increased pressure of the growing womb on the uterus cause these symptoms.

3. Bleeding gums

The hormones in the body can lead to inflammation of the gums. Take care of your teeth. You can book an appointment with a dentist if you feel the need.

4. Excessive saliva

Pregnancy hormones can also trigger the production of excessive saliva in the mouth. This symptom should pass by the end of the first trimester.

5. Heartburn and indigestion

Pregnancy can also trigger a burning sensation from your mouth to the stomach after you eat. Avoid spicy and fatty foods and caffeinated foods.

6. Breast changes

In addition to tenderness, you also may see blue veins sprouting on your breasts. These veins help to transfer nutrients to your baby after birth. Invest in a supportive bra to prevent sagging and stretch marks.

7. Fatigue

Fatigue is common during this phase of your pregnancy. Sleep earlier than usual and take a nap whenever you can. Your body is working hard, so eat healthy food and snacks to keep in energized.

8. Food cravings and aversions

You might find yourself craving certain foods and avoiding some others. These cravings, aversions, and nausea are common during the first trimester and will improve after the first trimester. Avoid the foods that trigger the symptoms and avoid stress.

9. Cramping or spotting

At this point, a lot is happening inside your uterus. You may feel cramping or a pulling inside your body. Since your cervix is more sensitive now, you may also notice some spotting after sex. These symptoms are usual and are not a sign of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.

However, if you feel cramping that is worse than during your period or bleeding that is heavier than your period, call your doctor right away.

10. Pregnancy glow or Acne

Hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy give a glow to your face or can also lead to breakouts. Check with your doctor before using any cream or medication.

Your body at week 7 pregnancy

You don’t look pregnant yet. However, you may have started feeling some changes in your body already. Your bra may be feeling a bit tighter, and your pants may be a bit snugger due to bloating. Your hormone production continues to increase during this week, and you may continue to feel the symptoms mentioned above.

The cervix is a narrow passage that connects your vagina to the lower end of your uterus. During the seventh week, the cervical mucus clumps up to form the mucus plug. This plug seals the opening of the cervix to prevent the germs from traveling into the uterus.

Your baby at week 7 of pregnancy

Your baby has almost doubled in size since last week and is nearly half an inch in size. During this week, your baby’s head will develop faster than the rest of the body to make room for the rapidly growing brain. The brain cells of the baby are generated at a rate of 100 per minute.

The face becomes more defined, and the eyes, nose, and ears begin to appear. The lenses of the baby’s eyes are also forming, and the color of the iris is visible. The cartilage that will form the tiny arms and legs has started to develop. The limbs will grow longer and flattened at the ends, which is the beginning of the baby’s hands and feet.

The baby now has a rhythmic heartbeat. A network of nerves is now spreading through the baby’s body. As the brain and the spinal cord start sending the signals to the muscles in the body, it will begin to make movements. The baby’s umbilical cord has also taken shape. It will connect the baby to the placenta.

Tips to be followed when you are 7 weeks pregnant

1. Eat healthily

Continue to eat a healthy and nutritional diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.  Your baby is developing at a tremendous pace, and you need all the energy that you can get.

2. Stay hydrated

Water is essential for the baby’s development. It is also helpful in alleviating symptoms like nausea, headaches, and fatigue. Carry a bottle of water wherever you go and stay hydrated.

3. Seek help

Growing a baby inside of you is not an easy feat. Nausea and headaches can tire you out, and the hormones can cause terrible mood swings. Seek the help of your family and friends to cheer you up. Treat yourself to a pedicure or a new haircut and relax.

4. Start prenatal exercise

Staying active when you are pregnant is right for you and your baby. It can give a boost to your energy levels and help stretch your tired muscles. Yoga, walking, and swimming are some great options. Keep your doctor’s approval before you begin any new exercise regimen.  Avoid any exercise that challenges your sense of balance and can cause any trauma to your abdomen.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol can adversely affect your pregnancy and increase the risk of complications. Quit smoking and alcohol consumption.

6. Take folic acid

Continue to take prenatal vitamins, which include 400 mcg of folic acid as it can help prevent congenital disabilities of your baby’s brain and spinal cord.

Your week 7 pregnancy doctor’s visit

Many women will have their first prenatal doctor’s appointment this week or the next week. During this visit, your doctor will take your medical history. Your healthcare provider will take your urine and blood sample. The doctor will also do an ultrasound to confirm that the baby is growing and thriving. You may also get to know of your estimated due date during this visit.

Tips for the partner

Research shows that women have a better pregnancy experience when partners are involved. Pregnancy can lead to a lot of anxiety. Listen to your partner, help her to find information, and go to the doctor’s appointment with her.

Final thoughts

During Week 7 of your pregnancy, your baby is growing and developing at a tremendous pace. His brain is developing rapidly, the face has become more defined, and the arms and legs have started to form. The mucus plug now blocks the opening of the cervix and prevents the germs from entering the uterus. Eat healthily, stay hydrated, and stat prenatal exercises to keep fit and healthy during pregnancy.

Manveen had an illustrious career in journalism and writing. She is the mother of a super active 7-year-old. While chasing her around the house, she also finds time to pursue her passion for writing on parenting, education, health, fitness, and entertainment.