Beetroot juice is considered to be one of the healthiest juices in the world. Beetroot was first cultivated by the Romans centuries ago but has gained popularity for its health benefits in the recent years. In fact, athletes all over the world drink this juice to boost their endurance levels. Beetroots are an excellent source of fiber, manganese, and potassium. Its leaves are rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A, and C. Beetroots contain phytonutrients called betalains. These phytonutrients have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification properties.
Let us consider the various health benefits of this superfood.
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1. Lowers blood pressure
Beetroot juice helps to lower your blood pressure. A glassful of beetroot juice can bring down your blood pressure and keep it down for 24 hours. In fact, according to researchers, a daily dose of beetroot juice helps to bring down both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
This is so because beetroots contain nitrates in high amounts. The nitrates in the beetroots convert into nitric acid in the blood, and this helps to widen and relax blood vessels.
2. Improves stamina
According to a recent study conducted by the University of Exeter and Peninsula Medical School, drinking beetroot juice can boost your endurance and help you exercise for up to 16 percent longer.
The high level of nitrates in this juice reduces oxygen uptake, and this makes exercise and other physical activities less strenuous. During this study, eight men were given 500 ml of beetroot juice for six days. The group was on an average, able to cycle for 92 seconds more than before they started drinking this juice.
3. Improved skeletal muscle strength
People with heart conditions have low skeletal muscle strength, velocity, and power. This can be improved with the intake of beetroot juice which is rich in organic nitrate.
According to a 2015 study, it was discovered that organic nitrate (NO3) intake enhances nitric oxide bioavailability and muscle power in patients with systolic heart failure.
4. Improves brain function
Improved blood flow to the brain can help improve brain function and help in combating the progression of dementia. When we grow older blood flow to specific areas of the brain is reduced, and this can lead to reduced brain function.
Drinking beetroot juice has a dilating effect on the blood vessels, and this helps to improve the flow of blood to the brain. According to a Wake Forest University study, when you consume beetroot juice, the blood flow to the frontal lobes of the brain increases and this can improve your brain power.
5. May prevent cancer
Beetroot juice has been used as a cure for cancer since the 1950s when a Hungarian physicist used raw beetroot juice to help cure cancer. Years later, a research was done to find out if beetroot can fight against cancerous tumors.
Beetroot juice contains betalains. This water-soluble antioxidant is known to have anti-cancerous properties. According to a recent study, these betalains are free radical scavengers that help find and destroy unstable cells in the body.
6. Helps prevent muscle cramps
Beetroots are rich in potassium, a mineral that helps nerves and muscles to function correctly. If your body has low potassium levels, you may suffer from fatigue, weakness and muscle cramps.
Low potassium levels in the body can also cause abnormal heart rhythms. So, you must drink beetroot juice to maintain the correct potassium levels in the body.
7. Improves liver function
If you develop a disease known as fatty liver disease due to your poor diet, sedentary lifestyle or excessive consumption of alcohol, drinking beetroot juice is the perfect solution for you.
Beetroot contains betaine, which helps reduce fatty deposits in the liver. Beetroot also helps protect your liver from toxins. No wonder beetroot juice is used so often in detox diets.
8. Boosts hemoglobin levels
Optimal hemoglobin levels are essential for proper immunity and our body to function correctly. Low levels of hemoglobin can cause anemia. Beetroot is a good source of folate and iron, both of which are essential for the production of hemoglobin.
9. Controls diabetes
The soluble fibers found in beetroot can help lower the amount of glucose in the blood. This is due to the presence of alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that reduces blood glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity.
According to some studies, this antioxidant also controls conditions like peripheral and autonomic neuropathy in diabetic people.
10. May reduce cholesterol
Add beetroot juice to your diet if you have high cholesterol. A study done in 2011 discovered that beetroot extract lowered the levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides and increased good cholesterol in rats. Beetroots contain phytonutrients like flavonoids which have cholesterol-lowering properties.
11. Reduces inflammation
Inflammation can arise as a result of some injury or infection. Beetroots contain betaine, a powerful ingredient that reduces inflammation, protects internal organs and reduces vascular risk factor.
12. Can improve sexual performance
Ancient Romans were known to have beetroots when they wanted to boost their libido. Beetroots are a rich source of a mineral known as boron which is linked to the production of sex hormone.
The nitric oxide that is produced in the body when we consume beetroots increases blood flow, and this can improve your sex drive.
13. Helps improve digestion
Beetroot has been used for years to cure constipation, bloating and gas. Drinking beetroot juice also aids the digestive process as it stimulates the intestines and helps break down food. Drinking this juice half an hour before meals can help when you have an upset stomach.
14. Prevents premature aging
The antioxidants in beetroot juice help to neutralize free radicals that are known to damage the skin. This juice also contains lycopene which helps maintain the elasticity of skin and protects it from the sun.
15. Prevents arthritis
Beetroot juice helps protect and cure arthritis by dissolving deposits around joints and tissues. This dissolution happens because of the highly acidic content of the juice.
16. Prevents hair loss
Hair loss is often linked to potassium deficiency. Beetroot juice is an excellent source of potassium, so regular consumption can help prevent hair loss.
17. Prevents congenital disabilities
Often folate tablets are prescribed to women if they are planning a child or are expecting. Folate is a B vitamin which prevents neural tube defects like spina bifida and anencephaly in the baby.
It also reduces the risk of delivering a premature baby. Beetroot is a rich source of folate, so women of childbearing age must include beetroot juice in their diet.
Drinking beetroot juice can help improve your health tremendously. Introduce this drink in your diet in small amounts. You can increase the quantity when your body adjusts to it. Consumption of this juice may turn your stools and urine reddish, but this is a harmless side-effect.