Sexting has a major role in romance these days. The messages have the power to heighten intimacy, multiply sensual energy, and bring closeness between you and your boyfriend. But for Jackie, a long-distance sexting session went haywire when one of her photos accidentally showed off baggage that didn’t belong to her, reported dailymail.
According to the media outlet, woman’s near-nudity wasn’t enough to draw away her boyfriend’s attention from the striped suitcase prodding out of the left corner of one photo. Upon noticing the suitcase, his boyfriend instantly texted her and enquired is she alone in her room.
But, Jackie was undeterred as she was on a mission: Distract boyfriend at any cost. She sent him another picture showing her assets. Before she replied, ‘of course! LOL, I don’t know anyone in Atlanta.’
‘Oh ok. What’s your room number again babe,’ responds her boyfriend. She told him its 1422 before going ‘not this again’, clearly showing the couple had issues in the past when it comes to loyalty. To cover her lie, she suggested him to call the hotel and confirm her room number.
But what Jackie forgot was that the room she was staying in hadn’t been booked under her name. So when her boyfriend called the hotel, he found out it was reserved in her boss’ name. He instantly texted her back saying I called the hotel and ‘they said no Jackie was staying in the hotel.’ But when ‘I asked if Tom was and they connected me to room 1422.’ Jackie’s fling with her boss was finally exposed.
Her beau threw her stuff outside the apartment and told her to stay away from him.
The Adversity
This isn’t the first of its kind of incidence, yet we get to read or hear such stories every other day in the newspapers. It happens when people overlook the warning signs and believe they can’t catch their cheating partner. Of course, catching a cheater isn’t as easy as it may sound to you.
The problem with philanders is that they are shrewd and remorseless liars. And sometimes you even have to deal with a pathological or a narcissist liar.
How to Catch a Cheater?
A swindler constantly tries to cover their tracks. This gives you an immediate advantage. Because a whopping 10 percent of affairs start online, which means there is a high probability the proof of cheating is already out there. All you need to know is where to look.
Use some sneaky techniques that are reserved for intelligence professionals or private detectives. Thanks to technology, these methods are now available for everyone to use.
Although using a cell phone spyware app is a reliable option, there are other modern ways to catch a cheater.
1. Background Check
If you think your partner is having an extramarital affair, you can probably do an online background check to find out things your partner has kept from you.
You can run a full search on a person typing in their name. If the online resource finds the right report, you can get your hands on information like:
- Arrest Records
- Links to Blogs
- Other Online Activities
- Social Media Profile
You can use the online resource to learn more about your significant other. Sometimes careless cheaters leave a trial. For instance, a ‘secret’ meme profile or solid proof of online cheating are hidden in their data.
2. The Phone Bill
If you happen to share a phone plan, then phone bill is what you need to look for signs of infidelity. A phone bill contains the record of all the outgoing and incoming calls or text messages. You can look for the following in an itemised phone bill:
- Calls or texts received or sent after business hours.
- Repeated text messages from the same number.
- Look for communication that took place during ‘missing hours.’ If your partner said that their cell phone was dead during their trip to NYC, outgoing calls or messages during the period could reveal the truth.
Note down any suspicious numbers. Next, use an online resource to look for the details of the number. Though a clever cheater can use a different name for a side piece, a reliable online source can match a face and name to a number. An online resource can reveal to you who they have really been talking to.
3. Cell Phone Spyware App
A mobile spyware app is one of the fastest ways to catch a cheater without getting into any hassle. It enables the users to keep tabs on a person of interest without them knowing.
You just need to set up the software on the target device by accessing it one time. After that, you can monitor all the online activities of the person in question from a distant location.
For instance, XNSPY completely works in the stealth mode and collect valuable information, so you can determine whether your other half is flirting behind your back. The first-rate spy apps are user-friendly and don’t require you to have any specific knowledge to use them.
A reliable cell phone spyware application such as xnspy offers an extensive array of spying features that allows you to track all the incoming and outgoing calls, text messages, IM chats and emails.
Read the content of the messages to find out what exactly your partner is communicating via these channels. See time and date of each message to know when exactly a conversation took place.
Peek into their browsing history or bookmarked websites and view websites that interest your partner. See if they have visited a hotel or cinema in the past that you are unaware of. In case, you want to track certain activities the program will allow you to define words, phrases, names, location, numbers, or email addresses that concern you.
Whenever they are used on the target cell phone, the app will shoot an instant alert to notify you about the activity so that you can take swift action.
4. Social Media
Instead of hacking your partner’s social media account, just put them on the list of your friends and your feed will present you their daily likes, comments and interactions. It’s an easy way to track a person’s social media activities.
You don’t even have to try, just scroll down when you sign into your social media account and view the posts your sweetheart has shared, their comments on sexy colleague’s photo and much more. If your partner’s actions are a bit suspicious, you can always talk to them about it.
Word of Advice
Do not jump to any conclusions unless you have substantial evidence of infidelity. Why? Distrust can erode your relationship because trust is the key to happy and peaceful committed relationship.
Your partner can be sneaky, but that doesn’t mean they are flirting around. We know it’s tough to silence your intuition when you are having thoughts that your cutie pie might be finding love elsewhere.
But one must avoid taking any grave steps until they see any clear red flags or confirmations that indicates their lover is cheating on them.