In layman terms, tooth decay refers to the hole in the tooth. When the bacteria attacks on the tooth enamel, it leads to the demineralization of the enamel layer. But do you know, it is possible to remineralize the tooth enamel. Yes, now you can save your decayed tooth by replenishing the tooth enamel.
But after knowing that now you can reverse tooth decay by replenishing the enamel, the first question that pops up in your mind is ‘how to reverse the tooth decay?’. You can reverse tooth decay by having a nutritious diet, avoiding cold drinks, coconut oil pulling, etc. So, let us get to know about these ways in detail.
What is tooth decay?
Tooth decay is the process in which the hardest outer layer of the tooth, i.e. tooth enamel, gets destroyed over time. Whenever you eat, plaque, a sticky film, forms on the teeth. If this layer is not cleaned off, then the underlying bacteria produce acids that keep on attacking the tooth enamel.
Over time, the enamel wears away and leads to cavities or tooth decay. Tooth decay is common in children as they eat more sugary candies and food items. Sugar-containing foods and drinks are conducive to the production of acids. Tooth decay is also common in adults with growing age.
Ways to reserve tooth decay
Do you know that except for the basic oral hygiene regimen, there are many ways to remineralize the tooth enamel? Some of the best ways to rebuild the surface of the tooth are mentioned below.
1. Say no to cold drinks
Cold drinks contain a high amount of acid which leads to the tooth wear and demineralization of tooth enamel. Tooth wear eventually turns up in tooth decay. The acid in cold drinks cause calcium chelation, i.e., it binds with the calcium of tooth and strips it away. Hence, saying no to cold drinks will be a wise move to promote tooth’s mineralization.
2. Have a nutritious diet
Tooth remineralization is a natural process in which, the body rebuilds the tooth surface on a daily basis. The phenomenon of replenishing the tooth surface depends on the type of diet that we consume.
Improper diet is known to cause tooth decay. Whereas, the diet rich in nutritional values gives you healthy tooth and minimal decay. The best way to prevent caries is to have a balanced diet that provides your body with a variety of nutrients.
You should focus on the diet which includes fatty fish, leafy greens vegetables, cheese, etc. Most of the health benefits come from ‘Do’s and ‘Don’t’s. Here are some, about the remineralization diet.
Do’s: supplement vitamin D
Diet rich vitamin D, calcium, and phosphorus help to repair the tooth damage from cavitation or attrition. To have more vitamin D, get enough of sun exposure and dairy products. Also, include food items such as fortified milk, eggs, salmon, etc. in your diet.
Do’s: get the right minerals
Tooth’s strength relay on minerals. So, have a diet rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium.
Don’t: consume processed sugar
Consumption of processed sugar promotes cavity formation. Cut off sugar from your diet to avoid caries. When the tooth decay initiates, the dentin layer of tooth secret dentinal fluid to fight against decay. But the sugar-rich diet secrets the hormone which prevents the dentine from the secretion of dentinal fluid and promotes the decay process.
Do’s: consume high phytic acid food
Phytic acid is also called as ‘anti-nutrient’ substance. It prevents the nutrients of the diet from being digested. The undigested nutrients do not get into the bloodstream. If they fail to get into the bloodstream, they also fail to reach the other body tissues including teeth. To make your teeth gain nutrients, you need to avoid phytic acid food.
Remember, if your diet is wrong, no ‘cavity reversing serum’ is going to help. Hence, it is wise to have a balanced diet to save your teeth.
3. Use sugar-free gums
Chewing sugar-free gum helps in tooth remineralization. Gum chewing stimulates the salivary glands which in turn causes excessive saliva production. Saliva helps to clean the oral cavity and also wash off the lodged food particles. Also, saliva has antibacterial properties that fight against the bacteria and keep the oral cavity germ free. (1)
4. Use fluoride
Fluoride is the mineral that flights against the cavitation. It also reverses or stops the initial caries development (2). Fluoride is also beneficial for tooth mineralization as it reduces the ability of the bacteria from acid production. It prevents the loss of minerals from the tooth and replaces the lost minerals.
You can get fluoride from fluoroid containing water or products such as fluoridated toothpaste, mouthrinse, etc.
5. Use antacids
To maximize the remineralization of tooth enamel, you need to limit the acidity. Acidity leads to the wear of tooth layers and loss of tooth minerals. Having antacids prevent the tooth surface from damage and thereby, helps in tooth remineralization.
6. Clean and change your toothbrush regularly
‘How to brush?’ and ‘when to change the toothbrush?’ are two main aspects of tooth remineralization. Over-brushing wears the tooth surface and also leads to the loss of minerals such as calcium phosphorus, which is responsible for the tooth’s strength.
So, brush your teeth in a gentle circular motion with soft bristle toothpaste to avoid cavitation and help in tooth mineralization. Over time, tooth bristles deteriorate and do not accomplish effective cleaning. For this reason, you need to change your toothbrush once in three months.
7. Follow basic dental care
Basic oral care such as brushing, flossing, and mouth rinsing is essential for tooth remineralization. Good oral care can prevent acid secretion, which is responsible for tooth decay, by inhibiting the bacterial build-up.
8. Try coconut oil pulling
Coconut oil pulling can prevent tooth decay. It promotes the tooth remineralization process. Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil for around 20 minutes and then spit it. Oil pulling also helps in detoxification of the oral cavity. (3)
9. Visit your dentist regularly
See your doctor regularly as it helps to detect dental issues at an earlier stage. You can also go for professional cleaning during these visits. If necessary, your dentist can apply fluoride.
10. Use remineralizing toothpaste
Brushing with remineralizing toothpaste helps to strengthen your teeth. It repairs the demineralized area and prevents cavity formation. (4)
Final words
The main benefit of reversing tooth decay is to get rid of cavities. Everyone wishes for the caries-free oral cavity. Fortunately, it is possible to reverse tooth decay and promote tooth remineralization with easy steps.